Transitioning from school
Transitioning from school can be hard for everyone involved, especially if your child displays challenging behaviours, or behaviours of concern.
But it doesn’t have to be so tricky. Plus is a day program for people with complex behaviours with a wrap-around team of Behaviour Support Practitioners, and we’ve been able to help many young people and their families navigate the NDIS planning process and acquire the Behaviour Support funding they need to thrive in post-school environments.
In school, your son or daughter may have had a behaviour support plan written by psychologists or specialists employed by the school, and specifically tailored to the classroom environment. When school ends, their world will change just when they need support the most.
Plus clinical
Our Behaviour Support Practitioners understand this and have capacity now to discuss your person’s post-school behaviour support needs. For more information about our practitioners or to make a booking check out our Plus Clinical page.
Plus day program
And if your child’s post-school journey is still unclear, that’s ok! We’d love to give you a tour of Plus’ day program and speak with you about a program tailored to their goals, interests and support needs.